Dancin' with Wolves 2

The Pimp Chronicles, Episode Two
Blogger's note: I recently came across the journal of
'The Right Reverend Riley R. Robinson'
Prophet, Pastor and Presiding Prelate of the
True Anointing Church, Kentucky (TAC KY)

Date: Sunday Jan 2, 2011
Feelin good today! Yessah!
Service went well, how can I tell? Well,
Nobody came down for the altar call, but the plate sho' looked good today.
But then again it always does the 1st Sunday of the month.
Folks getting their checks and all.
I hit ‘em with both barrels today. My title was:

Recover it all!:7 steps to heaven in 2011’

Had the worship leader sing Hezekiah Walker’s ‘Faithful is our God’ for Praise and Worship,
“I'm reaping the harvest God promised me. Take back what the devil stole from me.
And I rejoice today, for I shall recover it all…”

Then again for ‘special music’ before the message.
“I'm reaping the harvest God promised me. Take back what the devil stole from me. And I rejoice today, for I shall recover it all…”

Had them hollerin’ in the place, Yessah!

My source text was 1 Samuel 30:1-20.
I told them that we are just like David, people after God’s own heart, and this chapter shows David losin’ everything, then getting’ it all back.
Everything that the devil stole from you, it’s time. 2011 is the time, to take it all back… Hallelu!

Took two offerings today, the normal one, right after Praise and worship (always good to get ‘em while they’re emotional) then a second one after …

I told them about the ‘First of the year, firstfruits’ offering, about how God is waitin to bless them with the blessin of Abel, got it from Genesis 4:1-7, concentratin’ on verse 4: And Abel, he also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof. And the LORD had respect unto Abel and to his offering:

Well that brought down the house.
Everybody wants God to respect them...
And you know, the bigger the offering, the more respect you get… Yessah, Yeaasah!

Keep preachin’ like I did today, and I think it might be time to start savin’ for the jet… ;)


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