Dancin' with Wolves 1 or...

The Pimp Chronicles, Episode One
Blogger's note:
I recently came across the journal of 'The Right Reverend Riley R. Robinson'
Prophet, Pastor and Presiding Prelate of the
True Anointing Church, Kentucky (TAC KY)

It appears that last Sunday wasn't a good day for the church, at least not by the looks of the collection plate... The following are the Rev.'s notes...

Wow... Tithin' is down... Folk spent too much Christmas shoppin'...
Let’s see… Need some quick cash… Think man, think…

AAAAHHH That’s it! We’ll have a ‘Revival’, or maybe a ‘Conference’
Yeah, yeah, ‘Conference’ it is!

Ok, need a catchy title… um… think.. think… gotta have ‘breakthrough’ in it somewhere, or ‘manifest’ or ‘season’… or ‘Destiny’, yeah hmmm. How ‘bout …

Season of manifesting breakthrough to destiny…

Wait… not ‘spiritual’ enough… Gotta add ‘anointed’ or anointing in there someplace… so um…

The Season of Manifesting Anointing: Break Through To Destiny!!
We'll call it BTD ‘11 for short!

YES! That’s it… BTD '11 Like that... It'll stick in their minds like my hand in their pockets, yessah, Yessah!

Now… who to book…

Need some Profits, so I need to call some ‘Prophets’, hehehe...
One or two Apostles to decree and declare…
and a couple a Psalmists… Let’s see, who should we get…

Lemme turn on TBN, THAT’s where the anointment is…

It's 'gon be 'heaven in eleven', baby! Yes it is...


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