Why Berlin?

This is a reprint of a post from March, which is in a sense, the prequel to the post I am working on now, having returned from Germany

Why Berlin?

The first time that I traveled to Berlin, Germany to minister, I felt awkward.

I had never been on a ’Missions’ trip before, and for me, "Missions" was defined as: Taking food, clothing, and other physical necessities to the needy and less fortunate in other places. The necessities were a means of spreading the Gospel..

So I was saying to God.. Germany?! GERMANY?!?!

Why not Africa, or Asia, The Middle East, The Caribbean?…

Truthfully, what I was really saying to God was, Why Europe? Why Europeans??

They don’t need anything Lord, they’ve GOT everything…

(But they don’t have ME, He said… Matthew 16:26)

At that point I had to consider my views on a few things, and my life was about to change….

God had a plan. On the surface, He sent me to Berlin to teach about Worship, and to start a choir at the Berlin International Church. They asked for a Gospel Choir, but God said ’Worship Choir’. They wanted to learn Spirituals, but God said ’Teach them about the Spirit’. Our first choir rehearsal changed my life.

The 40+ people that gathered were from 10 different countries, and they spoke 9 different languages. One of the songs that I taught them was a song I wrote called ’Overwhelmed’

In the midst of the rehearsal, I was led to have them all sing to the Lord in their own languages, (simultaneously), what I heard as they sang was heaven. Literally. Every nation and tongue singing to the Lord as one (Rev 7:9-10) and I saw with greater clarity then ever, the true power of Worship and the Unifying power of the Spirit of God.

(This has been of immeasurable value over the past year, as my wife and I have answered God’s call to ministry, and last November opened a church;
The Repairer’s Fellowship Bible Church (RFBC)

What I saw as I traveled the city of Berlin was a deeply wounded people, a sharply divided people, youth without aim or direction, a people still in shame, a people looking for HOPE. A people in need of the Message & Love CHRIST.

That’s Why He sent me there...

What I saw in myself was a man in need of a new perspective, and a broader vision...

That’s Why He sent me there...

That’s Why He sent me to a place where the scars of the cold war are literally etched in the pavement. A place where wounds from World War II are still fresh, buildings purposely left un-repaired as a remembrance, and where the spirit of Nazism still bubbles faintly, quietly, but is growing stronger, as the youth once again grow disillusioned and desperate.

I was spat upon in old East Berlin. It was a profound moment, a pivotal moment, and I rejoice as I recall it even today. I understood the Word of God in that moment, that "the Peace that passes all understanding will guard your heart and mind, through Christ Jesus." – Phil 4:7

I realized much later that it was a plan of Satan to tempt me to sin, and had I, there were about 200 people that may not have received what God had for them that night…. When it happened, I don’t recall anger or embarrassment. I recall surprise and Peace, even as I looked at the young men who had done it, and they laughed at me….

Then a praise rose up from me, as I thought "Well Jesus, they spit on your for my sake, and now they spit on me for yours. Bless Your Name!"


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