Questions and answers...

A recent song lyric...

What is truth? Where does it start and where does it end, my friend?

What is life to you? Is it who you are or just the things you do?

What is wisdom? Does it come from inside or up above?

Most importantly, how do you define love?


Is love a person, is love a thing?

Will we ever really understand, until we stand before the King.

Is it a feeling, is it of God, and why is it so hard? To love?

Is truth a concrete thing, is love a feeling?

Does it change with circumstances, like leaves in the wind?

Why do we struggle, why should we care?

How much pain should we have to bear, to Love?


Father Yahweh, why do I fit into your plan?

What do I mean to you? Wretched sinful man that I am?

Lord Yahshuah, you could have stayed on your throne above.

But what you did for me, truly you define Love.


So love’s a person, and love’s a thing?

And this I’ll never really understand, until I stand before you my King.

More than a feeling, for Love is Yah! The Great I AM, the Almighty God!

Truth is a concrete thing, more than a feeling!

It doesn’t change with circumstances, like leaves in the wind.

Truth is forever, For Truth is Yah! The Way the Truth, and Life,

That’s what you Are…

Oh, Love... Is...


© 2010 CT Jermin


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