Would you stay at this church?

Would you stay in a church that preached the following?


In a sermon, Pastor xxx declares that the miracle of the 2 fish and 5 loaves was not that the same fish and loaves fed thousands, unless as he puts it, it was two whales, and loaves made from an entire field of wheat. He states that the miracle was that by having the people sit in groups, Jesus created community, and the communities shared what they had. THAT he says, was the miracle. I do not agree.


Pastor xxx 's, sermon implies the approval/acceptance/condoning of homosexuality. Not only the person, but the lifestyle, and uses Acts 11 to couch the debate over homosexuality as equal to the circumcision debate

xxx says that the early church members would be surprised at the church’s ‘gentile’ predominance, implying that in years to come homosexuality will be so much a part of the normal life of the church that we who are in opposition now will be surprised.

Sermon is preached on the same day as the gay parade (now called the Pride parade) an event that traditionally showcases public displays of some of the most obscene activity that human beings can engage in?

Late 2007:

Pastor www (current Ass't. Pastor) prays in the name of Father and Mother God, and says Jesus cursed the fig tree because his hunger made him irrational...

Pastor www says (among other things) that:
1) Water Baptism is not necessary, that if one wants the experience, they can take a shower and wet themselves any time.

2) Later on Pastor www makes a comment about: ”God's Experiment with your life” More specifically, that your life is God's great experiment.

Rev. ttt, (who also officiated over communion on 3/1/09) preaching from Jeremiah 29 says that:
We (the African Americans) are today's Hebrew captives and the Western culture is Babylon (inference is that the white man is our captor). Though he references Louis Farrakhan and Bob Marley in his sermon, he does not mention Jesus once.

Pastor www says that: "The Lord moves in mischievous ways". It is not a slip of the tongue, in that she reiterates it, and then says ‘mysterious ways’ as well.

I was more than concerned about this because of the meaning of the word:


1: harmful, injurious (mischievous gossip)

2 a: able or tending to cause annoyance, trouble, or minor injury b: irresponsibly playful (mischievous behavior)

So, are we making “The only wise God” equal to Loki (The Norse God of Mischief)? What happened to James 1:13?

In addition, on that day Rev. www wore a dress and earrings, which featured the Akan Gye Nyame symbol.

GYE NYAME: roughly translated means "except for God"

The symbol of the supremacy of God

Which God this is?
This is the symbol of the Akan god, who is not the God of the Bible. I have no idea whether Pastor www is aware of the true import/meaning of the symbol:

The Akan claim the Supreme Being created life and death, and death overcame the Supreme Being. However, the Supreme Being, having the antidote to the venom of death, was able to overcome death. This Supreme Being, Nyame or Nyankopon, has eternal life.

The Akan believe the Supreme Being is spiritual in form and is unburnable or indestructible (hye anhye). The Supreme Being puts part of His/Her spiritual form into human beings as the human soul (kra). This soul in the human being never perishes. That is why the Akan say Nipa wu a, na onwuee - When the human being dies, he/she is not dead. This soul reincarnates. When a child is born, the Akan give the child a soul name (kra din) such as Kojo (boy's name) or Adjoa (girl's name) for the child born on Monday because that is the name for day of the week the human soul appears in this physical world.


Rev. bbb's sermon:

From the text (Mark 1:40-45), in his message makes the following assertions (not a complete list), all of which he confirmed later

1) The man (the leper) did something that Jesus didn't expect.

2) In touching the man, Jesus in an act of ‘Holy Disobedience’ shatters the laws on being unclean, and the touch of Jesus returns the man to community.

3) Jesus was struggling with his identity, and the leper ‘OUTED’ him

4) In discussing people on the margins, he stated that Jesus started his ministry with people on the margins of society, and we are to do the same. The 'margins' that we deal with today are: gender, nationality, & sexual orientation.

5) Cleanliness (acceptance) happens not by doctrine, social or religious laws, but by the touch of Jesus.

6) In Jesus we are ‘free to be’.

Would you stay?

If so, why?

If not, why?


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