The Clubdate Singer Speaks! Chapter 1: Plantation Life
Disclaimer: The following story is an actual event, as all of the vignettes in the 'Clubdate Singer Speaks' series are. For 8 years, I was a member of one of the top Orchestras in the nation. Though it was an enjoyable time, it was also at times, quite painful. I took to writing initially to assuage my distress, and this is one of those times when the pen (or keyboard) proved to be a healing tool. I have considered publishing this series, and would appreciate your thoughts... Chapter 1: “Plantatation life” - New York City 2001 The old black man in the starched white jacket stands in the cold washroom, towel neatly folded in and by gnarled arthritic hands. The young white man stands at the sink, washing his hands, appreciating his image in the mirror. Self-consciously, I fumble with my zipper, as I listen to the exchange between the old man and the young man. False pleasantries and polite ‘sir’ s ring off the white tiles. hitting my ears like jagged shards of bro...