The struggle that many of us face is the inability to do all that we would like to (particularly financially/materially) for our families and loved ones, and the accompanying feelings of inability and failure. Yes, part of it can be attributed to the sub-conscious comparing with others that we tend to do. Part of it is also the standards that we hold ourselves to, based on how we tend to measure/define ‘success’. These measures/definitions are entirely arbitrary, yes, but nonetheless real. The lines of demarcation are ethereal to be sure, but at times the reality of our situations can be as confining as titanium bars. I wish that I could provide such that my wife and daughter lacked nothing, and could obtain, even on a whim, whatsoever they desired. I cannot. I wish that money was not an issue, a confinement that weighs into nearly every decision that must be made. But it is. C’est la vie, c’est le guerre. There are times when I look about me, and I cannot see...