
Showing posts from January, 2012

What exactly does it mean?

Give glory to the  Lord your  God before He brings  darkness , before your feet stumble on the mountains at  dusk . You wait for  light , but He brings darkest  gloom   and makes thick  darkness . But if you will  not   listen , my innermost being will  weep in  secret because of your  pride . My eyes will  overflow with  tears , for the Lord ’s flock   has been taken  captive . - Jeremiah 3:16-17 (HCSB) In the past 2 weeks, I have seen: a)       A 'Prominent Evangelical Pastor’ announce that Mormonism is Christianity. b)       Another 'Prominent Evangelical Pastor’ stand in the pulpit of a major Roman Catholic Cathedral as part of what was billed by the host as a ‘prayer for Christian Unity’. This same pastor having told his congregants that he and a major Mormon apologist and public figure are ‘in c...