I dream of a Reformed 'Black' Church II
In His seminal work: 'On being Black and Reformed' , Anthony Carter (Pastor of East Point Church in East Point Ga.) d iscusses the compatibility of African-American people and Reformed Theology. In one chapter he makes the case, noting that African-American theology, like Reformed Theology, is Experiential, Historical and Biblical. This got me thinking about what issues I have with 'church today' and I saw it clearly. We (so-called Black Christians) have placed too much weight on the wrong end of the stick. What I mean is that we (in the so-called Black Church) have by and large, given supremacy to our experiences and culture, and we mistakenly interpret the Bible through this lens. (While this is true of many believers of different ethnicities, I am dealing specifically with the 'black church' at the moment) It is, in my estimation, a kind of culturo-experiential eisegesis which does a disservice to our flocks, ...