
Showing posts from October, 2010

The Clubdate Singer Speaks! Chapter 10: Pleasant Reverie

Disclaimer: The following story is an actual event, as all of the vignettes in the 'Clubdate Singer Speaks' series are. For 8 years, I was a member of one of the top Orchestras in the nation. Though it was an enjoyable time, it was also at times, quite painful. I took to writing initially to assuage my distress, and this is one of those times when the pen (or keyboard) proved to be a healing tool. I have considered publishing this series, and would appreciate your thoughts... Pleasant reverie The Soho Penthouse*, April 2004 (* Not the real name of the venue) I heard her before I saw her. I was around the wall, in the shadows by the elevator. I had just come through the freight entrance into the lobby, and she was coming into the lobby through the main entrance. From the sound, I knew what I would see before I laid eyes on her. I was not far off. Hard walking, unaccustomed to high-heeled shoes, fairly unattractive bottle blond in a black dress that should have stayed on...

The Clubdate Singer Speaks! Chapter 9: Oseh Shalom

Disclaimer: The following story is an actual event, as all of the vignettes in the 'Clubdate Singer Speaks' series are. For 8 years, I was a member of one of the top Orchestras in the nation. Though it was an enjoyable time, it was also at times, quite painful. I took to writing initially to assuage my distress, and this is one of those times when the pen (or keyboard) proved to be a healing tool. I have considered publishing this series, and would appreciate your thoughts... "Oseh Shalom" -New York City Subway - November 2005 So, I was on my way to rehearsal one night, riding the L train. I took the train going in the opposite direction, and got off at 6th avenue to catch the train going my way (easier to board when you get on earlier). As I'm standing on the platform, I see/hear musicians. Two Elderly Jewish men playing traditional Jewish songs (on violin and accordion). As they were finishing ‘Oseh Shalom’ (He who makes peace), I put a dollar ...