The Clubdate Singer Speaks! Chapter 14: Inhalation
Disclaimer: The following story is an actual event, as all of the vignettes in the 'Clubdate Singer Speaks' series are. For 8 years, I was a member of one of the top Orchestras in the nation. Though it was an enjoyable time, it was also at times, quite painful. I took to writing initially to assuage my distress, and this is one of those times when the pen (or keyboard) proved to be a healing tool. I have considered publishing this series, and would appreciate your thoughts... ‘Inhalation’ - (assimilation) 2002 The bride appears from an outer chamber. As she enters the ballroom, half of the guests gasp and watch in awe as she seems to glide across the room: a vision in brightly colored, ornately decorated silks. The other half of the room nods appreciatively, their approval more subdued, but infinitely more important to her, as this is her family, and she is about to perform the ’Paeback’ a portion of the traditional Korean marriage rite. It is the introduction c...