
Showing posts from March, 2010

Real Healthcare 101 Lesson Two. Section a.

Thanks for coming back to class today, everyone. Today's class lecture is titled: FOOD by any other name…. I am old. I know this because when I was growing up, I could read a food label and understand it. Now I cannot. I know that it is not because of my eyesight. I was at the Ophthalmologist just last month, and got the newest of the new fangled triple action , almost X-ray vision, bi-focals, which in addition to being just FIERCE, let in 32 times more oxygen than my old new-fangled’ contacts did. My eyesight is better than ever. So it must be something else… It is… Sometime, somewhere, they switched languages and definitions on me. It’s like the whole men are from Mars, women are from Venus thing. We use the same words, but they don’t mean the same things… Case in point: FOOD A simple word, this… FOOD . One syllable, easy to pronounce, in fact, it was my nephew’s first word. (This was little surprise to us, being that his dad's a chef). But what does it mean?? It depends on ...

Real Healthcare 101 Lesson One

Health Care 101 – Lesson One Today we begin a new series of as yet undetermined length, in which we will take a look at my overly simplistic views on American healthcare... Let's listen in, the class is about to start.... Hello Class. Let me just say this from the start: The entire health care debate is a farce, a fraud and a smokescreen. I have listened for weeks and months, (up until we shut our TV off) listened to so called ‘experts and pundits’ rant, bloviate, pontificate, and more. I have heard so much rhetoric, some factual, most just outright lies from both sides that it sickens me. I have read blogs and Facebook posts stating that the healthcare bill is, (depending on whose post I’m reading, either the end of America as we know it, or a new day for a great country'). You’re all hoodwinked. The ‘poli-tricksters’, like Steel Pulse famously said, are ‘drinking human blood’, with ‘concrete hearts that can hold no love’. Here is a video of the song, for those who are unini...

Rodent Redux

So, some 4 months after the death of the second of the two original immigrants (Brownie and Cream, the hamsters RIP) we have a new one, at least he is new to us. You know, like the BMW commercial, he’s certified pre-owned. Aquilla (his given name, but I will here after refer to him as ‘Fred’) was a gift from a family in our homeschool group. They had to give Fred up because their new kitten was terrorizing him. On the surface, it already appears that Fred and I have a lot in common. We are both male, mammals, approaching middle age, are fathers, and have hairy chins. Actually that’s about all we have in common. He arrived yesterday. I kinda kept my distance, since he was a bit jittery, what with being in a new place and all. But today, early this morning, I went into my daughter’s room, a piece of carrot in hand, and introduced myself. We took a moment to cautiously check eachother out, then he took the carrot. So far so good… It’s actually kind of good having another guy in the hous...

Holy Holograms! | Out of Ur | Conversations for Ministry Leaders

This makes me very sad. In fact I am almost in tears... Soon the so-called 'shepherd' will no longer even need to see/hear/touch the sheep. Sadder still is the fact that the sheep will accept this 'innovation' with joy... Holy Holograms! | Out of Ur | Conversations for Ministry Leaders What do you think?

Moving past a tenth, to all... part 1

If the tithe is wrong, then what is the correct doctrine when it comes to giving for the Christian? "The Doctrine of ALL " The doctrine of all is born out of the following verses:   28 One of the scribes came and heard them arguing, and recognizing that He had answered them well, asked Him, “What commandment is the foremost of all?” 29 Jesus answered, “The foremost is, ‘HEAR, O ISRAEL! THE LORD OUR GOD IS ONE LORD; 30 AND YOU SHALL LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART, AND WITH ALL YOUR SOUL, AND WITH ALL YOUR MIND, AND WITH ALL YOUR STRENGTH.’ 31 The second is this, ‘YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.” . - Mark 12:28-31 (NASB) This verse points to the core premise of the doctrine of all: 1) God is not first, He is the center. God is not first, He is all!!. 2) There is to be unity in the body of Christ Read - Acts 2:41-47 Notice in the passage that the mindset of the believers was one of un...