Real Healthcare 101 Lesson Two. Section a.
Thanks for coming back to class today, everyone. Today's class lecture is titled: FOOD by any other name…. I am old. I know this because when I was growing up, I could read a food label and understand it. Now I cannot. I know that it is not because of my eyesight. I was at the Ophthalmologist just last month, and got the newest of the new fangled triple action , almost X-ray vision, bi-focals, which in addition to being just FIERCE, let in 32 times more oxygen than my old new-fangled’ contacts did. My eyesight is better than ever. So it must be something else… It is… Sometime, somewhere, they switched languages and definitions on me. It’s like the whole men are from Mars, women are from Venus thing. We use the same words, but they don’t mean the same things… Case in point: FOOD A simple word, this… FOOD . One syllable, easy to pronounce, in fact, it was my nephew’s first word. (This was little surprise to us, being that his dad's a chef). But what does it mean?? It depends on ...