
Showing posts from July, 2009

Not that it really matters anymore, but... (yeah right)

I posted these videos months ago, and believe that in the light of this mess, Health Care Bill Directs HHS Secretary to Develop 'Standards for Measuring Gender'-As Opposed to 'Male' and 'Female' (read it here) ... they warrant posting again... From the Christian Anti-Defamation Commission : Seven reasons why Barack Obama is not a Christian ... There is a spiritual emergency in America. Barack Obama is in the process of trying to recreate the Christian faith in his own, very liberal and unorthodox image. Built on a foundation of radical Black Liberation Theology, theological liberalism and post-modernism, Obama is undermining historic, biblical Christianity while claiming his is a Christian. In the process, he is defaming the Christian faith. By declaring he is a Christian, yet denying Christianity's most essential truths and traditional morality, Obama is associating Christ with some of the most wicked practices imaginab...

When Genesis 1:27 is not enough...

The Bible: Gen 1:27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. The Senate HELP Committee: The Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee’s health care legislation will give the Health and Human Services secretary the authority to develop “standards of measuring gender” -- as opposed to using the traditional "male" and "female" categories -- in a database of all who apply or participate in government-run or government-supported health care plans. Don't believe me? Here is the entire article

No, Mr. President II

"The average citizen in a democracy is like a deaf spectator sitting in the back row of a sporting event: He does not know what is happening, why it is happening, what ought to happen; he lives in a world that he cannot see, does not understand, and is unable to direct." - Walter Lippmann, pundit/public philosopher - 1924 Everyone knows by now, that I did not support this candidate during his historic campaign. I do not support him during his historic Presidency either. This is because my allegiance is first to the Cross of Christ, before my ethnicity, before my political identification, and all the rest of the myriad demographic identifiers we manufacture as a society. One of the problems that Pres. Obama faces now is trying to make good on the various and sundry, and sometimes opposing campaign promises that he made is that he made promises to the gay community and now the bill is come due. While we're on the subject of homosexuality... In light of the whole 'Gay p...