While many in our profession are on their grind, straight hustlin' and doin' the money grab as they pimp the sheeple, Rev. Walter Hoye , Executive Elder at the Progressive Baptist Church of Berkeley, California and Rev. Dr. Clenard H. Childress, Jr., the senior pastor of The New Calvary Baptist Church in Montclair, NJ are in the vineyard. God Bless you Brothers. You are Heroes... The REAL ones ... _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Here is an article about Rev. Hoye. Fred Greaves/Genesis Photos Straight time Abortion: A pro-life Oakland pastor chooses jail over a plea bargain—and leads prisoners to Christ | by Lynn Vincent For 19 days in March and April, Walter Hoye was locked in a cell with 29 other prisoners at the Santa Rita jail near Oakland, Calif. There were times when he wished he could have stayed longer. When the metal door first clanged shut behind him on March 20, Hoye, 52, decided the space was really ...