Vision vs. Need (Prophecy or profit-see)
I heard from a brother yesterday, who excitedly told me about a prophecy that was spoken over his church this past week. The prophet spoke of blessings, how to prepare, and how to receive. Needless to say the prophecy included a command to tithe, so as 'not to rob God and miss out on your blessing' The brother actually began the exchange by sending me a link to a video of Todd Koontz and Benny Hinn discussing 'finances' and basically the same thing was being said. (If you are familiar w/ Todd Koontz, here is a link which pretty much sums him up: Or you can go to his website , and check out his 'Money moment'. Mr. Koontz says he wants to 'partner with you and help you increase your money' . You many notice also that there are 10 yes TEN links for you to give, oops I mean sow but only 2 for prayer. hmm... Mind you, I have heard this man 'teach' that the more you give, the faster God responds'... Please note on his site by the way, that the ...