China's Underground Churches
Beloved, while we are here, arguing over semantics, disputing doctrinal minutae, and chasing the dollar almighty, our brethren in China are literally laying down their very lives for the Gospel. Hebrews 11 is being repeated in our days... While we are here naming and claiming houses and land, and bigger cars. Where we make sure that our 'Pastors' have jets, 3500 seat sanctuaries with plush seating, and the like, there are literally underground seminaries, where people spend 16 1/2 hours a day studying scripture in hand dug, underground caves. I am swiftly coming to believe that in many ways, they are better off than we beloved. Why? Because they are connecting to God in a way that goes far beyond the comfortable day to day, and God honors that. Part 1 "I was not arrested because I committed a crime. I was taken to jail because I'm a Christian. But that's all right, because I understand that when we suffer the Lord will have glory because His people stand up for Him...