Margaret Sanger is alive and well.....
If not in body, in sentiment. Case in point, the latest round of southern lynchings is proposed... Metairie legislator proposes sterilization for poor women 04:35 PM CDT on Wednesday, September 24, 2008 Associated Press State Representative John LaBruzzo of Metairie said many of his constituents are tired of paying for children from poor families and that is why he is considering proposing legislation that would pay women on government assistance $1,000 if they choose to be sterilized. “You have these people who are just fed up with working their buns off to try to provide for their own family and being forced by the government to provide for others’ families who just want to have unlimited kids,” he said. LaBruzzo said he is studying voluntary sterilization for women whose sole financial support comes from the government i n the form of welfare or other public assistance. His idea would be to give the women $1,000 if they had their tubes tied. His proposal has come under harsh critici...