Hamster update: (The honeymoon is over)
Let me begin with this… I am fulfilling my end of the bargain. I signed the papers promising to take care of the ‘animal companions’, (see the April 29 blog for more info, then scroll back up) but it didn’t say that I had to like them. I provide sustenance, shelter, and creature comforts, but nowhere does it say that I have to like them.… Here’s the thing, I feel like I have been defrauded because they are not companions at all! A companion is a friend, and these things ain't nor friends o' mine! I have issues with our borders, to be sure. Here’s a short (but growing) list… a) My daughter is afraid that they’ll bite her, so she won’t pick them up. This of course defeats the entire purpose of having these things. She went so far as to ask if she could have a gecko last night. I told her no , she’s got to play out the string with the rodents.. b) The so called ‘silent exercise wheel’ is anything but. It is so noisy that the cage has to be kept in the living room so that my chi...